Thursday 21 January 2010

The Preliminary Task

Lesson 1, 19/1/2010

In the first lesson we started it off by making our own accounts on this website, so we can create blogs as we go by every lesson and record our data that we made on this. We were then introduced to the coursework which we found out counted to 50% of our AS grade, and got put into groups to make our preliminary task. I got put into a group with Sam Willis and Henna Mistry, we firstly started to produce the spider diagram of the planning for the preliminary task. we have been taught all of the rules about the preliminary task with the 180 degree rule, we have also been shown how to work the camera's especially using the white balance, to make our task best quality.

This picture shows the task we got set to do in the lesson, this shows our brief thoughts as we are showing the location, actors, camera shots, dialogue, props and the costumes. We included all of this so we can have a preview of this before we are filming to look back and remember what we wanted to have in the film, this helps my group to keep ideas.

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