Sunday, 18 April 2010

Tuesday 2nd March

In today’s lesson my group and I captured the filming we had done on Saturday morning. On Saturday morning my group and I set out filming early in the morning, this was to get the weather from the early morning as we needed this in our opening sequence, this is to show that she had came from somewhere as she would be walking home in the morning so nobody saw her, the filming session went well and we got the majority of our shots we wanted and a couple more added on, Catherine White and I did the majority of the work as she was being the director while I was doing the filming, not only that but Aidan Foster was giving Catherine and I ideas for new shots and different camera angles that we could use to shoot and to make our opening sequence look even better. So in this lesson we captured the work which took the majority of the lesson, while Catherine White and I were doing that, Aidan Foster and Sarah Morris were using the video camera to take shots of the location where we were filming on Saturday, this was to show what the location looked like in mid day. After we finished capturing we were able to edit a bit of it, we managed to edit some of the shots down to the correct size we wanted it and put them in order, with help from Aidan Foster, we both decided on some editing techniques and how we wanted the shots to look.

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