Sunday, 18 April 2010

Saturday 28th Febuary - First day of Final piece filming

As a group we set of to chilwell fields at 6 a.m in the morning to get the correct lighting that our group wanted/needed for our film, we felt that the weather was alright and was good for what we wanted. We needed to film in the morning as she was walking back from a party in the film so we needed the lighting from the morning.

We started filming at around 7 due to it being a bit to dark at 6, we tried out to film at 6 but we realised that the lighting was too dark and it would look very grainy, so we waited until it got better.

We finally got to the correct lighting we wanted, so we got the actress dressed up into her party clothes and we ripped her tights, this was because her tights had been ripped the night before e.g. in the flashbacks we are going to do. Catherine also helped her apply her make up and she got her self upset so she looked like her make up was smudged from her crying the night before.

We followed our storyboard so we knew what shots we wanted to take and where we wanted to position the camera. We finally got filming and took a few takes of her walking across the bridge and around the gravel corner using high angle shots and close ups to vary with different shots. We filmed a close up shot of her face while she was walking so you could see that she was upset and her smudged make up. We then got a long shot of her walking past the camera and down the path while myself the camera man zoomed into the houses in the background to see that there was a housing estate close to the fields she was in. At this moment all of our group were helping towards the filming as I was filming, Catherine & Aidan were directing and setting up the shots before and Sarah was making sure that Ellie(our actress) knew what she was doing in the different shots. We then took a long take which was of our actress walking down a path, this lasted for around 8 seconds, we used this so the viewers might be able to realise she has had a long day.

After completing filming in the fields we filmed her nearer the housing estate as a gentleman in the bus stop (me) asked her if she was "alright" she didn't respond and he looked at her weirdly as something was up with her. that shot was Mine and Sarah's idea as we thought it would work well.

We then got a few shots of her as she was walking down the road into her house, we got different shots from different angles. We got Ellie to act that she was opening the door to her house and I was following her and touching her shoulder, yet we filmed from in front of her and nobody was behind her, this worked well as it gave the scene more suspense.

This day went well as we had all contributed towards filming or directing, this was good as we all helped out. Even thought we had filmed mostly all of the main part today, I and Catherine felt that we didn't film everything we needed and may be that some of the shots could have be re-filmed later sometime.

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